PMC MDCAT Test Pattern 2025-2026

The PMC MDCAT Test Pattern consists of 200 MCQs with no negative marking.
All questions come from the PMC MDCAT syllabus.
You can enroll by following the PMDC MDCAT enrollment procedure.
Exam Structure
PMC MDCAT Test Pattern Weightage and Total MCQS
The following table depicts a clear picture of PMC MDCAT MCQS and weightage.
Subject | Weightage Percentage | Total MCQS |
Biology | 34 | 68 |
Chemistry | 27 | 54 |
Physics | 27 | 54 |
English | 9 | 18 |
Logical Reasoning | 3 | 6 |
What is the structure of the MDCAT?
MDCAT consists of Total 200 questions, subject-wise, as follows:
1. Biology : 68 questions
2. Chemistry: 54 questions
3. Physics : 54 questions
4. English: 18 questions
5. Logical Reasoning : 6 questions
Date and syllabus for nums and mdcat 2024
The syllabus will remain the same; if there’s some minor change, we will update. As date of next will be announced we update. After mid-July, keep visiting websites.
Either our MDCAT syllabus same or change for 2024 2025 batch
It is 95% sure that the MDCAT syllabus will not change, but if there are 5% chances of changes, that will not affect your MDCAT preparation. That can be coverable upon change.
Please Next Paper Date ?
As announced we give on our website.
What is the date for MDCAT and NUMS 2025?
Is the syllabus same as of previous year?