Welcome to our MDCAT online test practice platform!

if you are not prepared for exam , then first go through our MDCAT PAST PAPERS QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS (MCQS) TOOL. Click Here

You have two options to customize your test experience:

    1. Select a Range of Questions: Choose a specific range of questions from 1 to 100. This option allows you to focus on a particular set of questions according to your preference or study plan.
    2. Select Random Questions: Pick a random number of questions from preset options such as 10, 20, 50, or 100.
This option provides variety and challenges your knowledge across different topics covered in the MDCAT exam. Whichever option you choose, remember to give your best effort and utilize this opportunity to assess your readiness for the MDCAT exam. Good luck!

Random Range

  • Select subject : Biology, Physic,Chemistry,English,Logical Reason for MDCAT Test, Otherwise question appears from all subjects.
  • Select Randaom Quesiton or Range and Click on Start Quiz.

NOTE:if you found any problem during MDCAT Online Test Practice . Report directly to us on email [email protected] with screenshot.
