What is MDCAT? and MDCAT Stands for?

MDCAT stands for Medical and Dental College Admission Test. Basically, MDCAT is an exam or test that is conducted in Pakistan for candidates to secure admission to medical colleges and universities in Pakistan.

There’s no university or college that can enroll students without MDCAT. If someone wants to become a doctor (MBBS or BDS), it’s mandatory to pass the MD-CAT  (Medical and Dental College Admission Test).

if you are living abroad and are curious to know what MDCAT is in Pakistan. Then you should know the MDCAT options.

Because you are a foreigner, you can also take admission to Pakistani medical universities and colleges, but MDCAT is mandatory for both local and foreign students.

MDCAT Options

There are two MDCAT options for candidates to take admission in Pakistan Universities.

  1. National MDCAT

National MDCAT

The National MDCAT is mandatory for all public and private universities by PMDC.

For detail about National PMDC MDCAT , Click Here.

PMC MDCAT syllabus


NUMS MDCAT is mandatory for all army public and private universities and colleges.

For detail about National NUMS MDCAT , Click Here.

NUMS MDCAT syllabus

NUMS MDCAT Test Pattern

how to prepare for mdcat?

Adopt following Steps to prepare for mdcat.

  1. You should go and cover all topic MDCAT syllabus.
  2. You should consult MDCAT Past papers.
  3. You should go through free books and material avaiable on internet
  4. Start Your Prepartion as early as possible


What is MDCAT Test?

MDCAT yani, Medical and Dental College Admission Test, is a standard and mandatory test to secure admission in Pakistani medical colleges for MBBS and BDS.

is MDCAT necessary for BDS?

Yes, MDCAT is necessary for both MBBS and BDS.

which academy is best for mdcat preparation?

Here, we do not recommend any academy for MDCAT. If you should go through the whole MDCAT syllabus and the MDCAT past papers question answers given on the various websites and start early preparation, then there’s no need to join any academy for MDCAT preparation.

how to calculate aggregate for mdcat?

We have given a MDCAT aggregate calculator, but you should consult relevant universities and colleges for MBBS and BDS admission after passing the MDCAT test.

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